Thursday, October 1, 2009

When U feel Down....

What should u do.......
(depending on individual......)

Some people like to exercise....singing.....watching movie.....dancing....even crying..

As muslim,  I strongly believe....when I'm down....ambik "Whuduk"..perform Solah.
Recite Al-Quran...and talk to Allah....we will feel the "relief" after that.

Life's Journey....I believe in you !

You have a strong spirit within you,
a spirit capable of taking you
as far and as high as
wherever you want to go.

Do not be satisfied for less
than all you can be...
You have greatness within you.

Always be yourself.
keep focus on your goals.
You have the power within you
to make things happen.

I believe in you and know
that you have what it takes
to follow your dreams.

Just let the true spirit
within you shine through
in all that you do !

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